
We practice in three main areas at the intersection of branding, marketing, design and advertising. It's a brand-consulting, visual communications and interactive design.

Brand consulting

Brand - an inevitable asset of any successful open business. Both the corporation and its products can be a brand, but in any case  processes of the birth, formation and evolution of the brand includes a number of stages.

Usually the company, whether its owner or employees decide what to offer the market, invents this name, and then turn to the advertising agency for help in marketing. May be so, but not everyone is given a visionary talent of Steve Jobs or Richard Branson, although even in Branson survives only one of the three businesses. A global statistics "kept alive" only 2% of the companies after the first year.

We are not an insurance company, so do not guarantee success, but it can significantly increase the chance of achieving it. Moreover, experience shows that the sooner we are connected to the working processes of strategic planning and development of a product or company image, the higher the chance.

The list of our brand-consulting services:

  • Pre-market analysis of the concept;
  • Naming and copywriting;
  • Identity design recomendations;
  • Promotion strategy development;
  • Consulting support and monitoring.

Visual Communications

Vision delivers more than 80% of all consumable information by human. However, he sees every day more than 1,500 advertisements and 10,000 logos. Naturally, the brain optimizes its resources  and develop protective mechanisms like information filters for excision all unnecessary and, above all, advertising. So those who want to stand out in this situation should be try hard. We can help to take:

  • Development of a region/corporate/product identity (branding);
  • Presentation and infographic design;
  • Design of online forms (see "Interactive Design");
  • Design and manufacture of presentation of advertising products;
  • Design office and area environment;
  • Design of navigation systems (spatial orientation).

Interactive Design

Of course, today we are all that is said about us internet. No one to talk about "whether to be represented on the Internet". Now there are other questions: "how to present themselves," "how to organize the information structure and interaction", "how to prepare high-quality content," "how to use social marketing", "how to organize technical and information support online systems", and others. We help to find the answers and execute:

  • Web-based systems of varying complexity and purpose development;
  • Interactive presentations development;
  • Development of concepts and strategies of the modernization and creation of web-based systems.